Saturday, August 9, 2008

report from todays play

See this wall.

That is where I sat, stood or lent for the best part of 5 hours while the English summer took hold.

I wasn't alone, I was there with a superstar line up of internet cricket celebrities.

Miriam, from the Guardian OBO, KC's female cat blogger and this very blog.

Sarah of Cantebury, TMS's diva.

And The reverse swing manifestoer himself.

Also JIm, who has no internet claim to fame, but was good with the weather updates and had on a resplendent orange poncho.

We talked about Kent, alot, Facebook, Cricket skanks, Bumble and emigrating to Perth or Melbourne.

A great day was had by all.

It was a bit of a shame about the rain, because Amla was looking smoking hot.

He was in full attack mode, and Kp responded by putting 4 catching men on the boundary.

Brave move that.

Amla only has two gears, tuck off the hip for one, or Greek God mode, I do wish he would play in this mode more often.

That is all that happaned really, but i will leave the report with one note that was written just after Amla was put down.

On 12:35pm 09/08/2008 Year of the Rat, Tim Ambrose was Finished.

Oh and for those keeping score, the wall shown is behind block 13 in the OCS stand next to the bar, and shall now be known as the jrod

Now with new proper english lady blogger.

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