Sunday, August 24, 2008

Darrell Hair instructing the youth of NSWales

Darrell Hair has no need to umpire cricket matches anymore.

He is now an umpire trainer in NSWales

So far there has been no word on whether that will be at Bondi beach.

Although he would be popular there.

For his sake you'd hope he didn't end up in Redfern.

His main subject will be how to give out dark batsman when hit on the pads by white bowlers, without looking like a racist.

He will also give lectures on how Sri Lankans are chuckers.

And how Paki's (again in the Australian way, although if it's from hair's mouth it may not matter) are all dirty cheats.

I can think of no one better to teach young NSWelsh umpires than Hair.

He is the very epitome of Rupert Murdoch's fair and balanced.

Boof Lehmann will be brought in to give training on how to apologise for racist remarks so that the Politically correct fuckers and the darkies think your an ok bloke for a fighting the war on tony greig

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