Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Mr Sutherland, Can we have Our Australian Cricket Team back, please

An open letter to Australia's Chief Administrcrat, and a facebook group to boot.

Excuse me Mr Sutherland, sorry to interrupt your tastily arranged lunch, but we need to talk.

We have been watching cricket for a long time, and we used to love watching the Australian cricket team, alas, now we are watching some sick Probot (professional robot cricketer) circus.

Somehow you have infected them all with this new found “professionalism” and we don’t like it.

It sickens us.

We want the Australian team to represent Australia, not some multi national boardroom.

Our cricketers should be:









Badly attired.





As long as our cricketers don’t hit women, molest small children or have sex with dogs, we really don’t care what they do when they are not kicking other countries asses.

Don’t pick cricketers based on who weetbix would approve, who looks better in a suit or based on Peter Roebuck’s latest column about the decline of some make believe notion of the spirit of cricket.

Pick them on skill, guts, and determination.

If you want to be able to sell boxes of salted snacks, cars or diarrhea medicine, surely a winning team with a personality will sell more than a team of perfectly behaved losers.

So let the boys play cricket, you know, their job.

We will only ask nicely just this once.

If you want to join the crusade for Australian cricket to be more Australian join here.www.cricketwithballs.com... fighting the war on tony greig

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