Monday, September 22, 2008

888 number of the best damn legspinner ever

Shane Warne contacted me, bout time really.

Not directly, but via 8 henchmen in singlets who passed me a mobile.

On it was a text.

Yo balls, ura leggie ima leggie, we shd do biz, l8az :).

Which translates to, Hey Knackers, you are a leg spinner, I am a leg spinner, we should do business, talk soon champ.

And now we have.

Unfortunately we aren’t going into business of travelling the world together, him teaching young leg spinners their art, me teaching young bloggers to write about the young leggies art.

Instead Warney wants me to talk about Poker, Online Poker in fact.

After all he is now a professional poker player, although when he pulls out his mystery ball he is warned for indecency.

I like Poker, my parents taught me how to play at an early age, apparently they thought it was a skill I’d need.

Warney though is into far more than just Poker, he also likes the odd Casino, Online Casino to be exact.

Although I must admit, he also used to like the Crown Casino in Melbourne which is offline, probably because of the high skank quota.

So if you like Warney, or just want Cricket with balls to make some money, click on one of the links and help a young legspinner in need, after all, every time you play Poker Online a young leggie gets his wrong one.

True Aussie Haiku straight to your box

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