Sunday, September 21, 2008

Is it racist to call an asian batsman wristy?

Yesterday I watched the Pro40 playoff between men in green pyjamas and Jason Gillespie.

In this game, Vikram Solanki, and Moeen Ali had a bit of a partnership.

The commentators took this as their cue to say the word wristy in every sentence.

When you hear an English commentator say a batsman is wristy, tis his way of saying, “he’s brown he is”.

Lots of batsman around the world are wristy, it’s not just a sub continental way of playing.

You don’t even need to be brown to do it.

White players have been, and are wristy.

But for some reason white commentators never notice this.

Get a brown player in, and even if his wrists are made of lead, he is wristy.

A white player needs Sachin Tendulkar wrists even to be noticed.

I’m saying it’s a colour thing.

That’s right Nick Knight, you’re a racist, smile and look pretty now nancy boy.

On this topic, almost, Shaun Udal was asked about playing against Moeen Ali, he of the Amla beard the wee before, and he said luck for us he didn’t make any runs, (Dirty) Dirk Nannes blew him away.

Dean Jones would have been very confused at this comment, a white Victorian blowing away a Muslim Aussie Haiku straight to your box

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