Thursday, September 25, 2008

Athers watching

Something weird happened to me in the press box yesterday.

As it was the main match, the heavy hitters of the print media were in the box.

Angus Fraser.

Derek Pringle.

And Michael Atherton.

Like several of the old timers, the young uns shut up and watch the cricket most of the time, they were involved in several loud conversations.

That was fine, and you know that they say about the press box, what happens in the press box, ends up in a tell all book.

Not in a blog.

But what really caught my eye, sorry ear, was everytime Atherton spoke I kept looking up at the TV to see what he was talking about.

I am so used to hearing him on the telly, that his voice automatically made me look at the tv, even though I was watching the game live.

It was spooky.

And also lucky i never, oh for fucks sake athers you couldn't captain anyway.

That may not have gone over well.

I will say this, Athers is a lot more entertaining just speaking casually in a press box than he is commentating.

Which pisses me off, I wish people would be entertaining when they are paid to entertain, instead of being careful commenbots.

Not as good as Probots, but trent bridge is not the most inspiring place, although the stands are fucking Aussie Haiku straight to your box

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