Friday, December 21, 2007

Official Bryce news

I received the oddest email this morning.

It was from a former work mate of Cricket With Balls Own Bryce McGain, who claims to have once hit on the great man.

It's weird what you can find when you google ... I saw the article in
the Herald Sun the other day about Bryce and I'm glad it mentioned the
bank because I thought I knew him from somewhere. He worked on the
other side of the office, in IT, I think - we used to call him nice
Bryce (not to his face).

I think I might have tried to come onto him at work Christmas party
once, but that was at least 10 years ago and in the days before the
'responsible serving of alcohol' came in, so it's all a bit hazy.

Good luck to him !

Not only does this prove that he is a ladies man (as mentioned here), it also gives him a new nickname.

Cricket With Balls Own Nice Bryce.

How many websites are devoted to Brad Hogg, "the hooking & pulling specialists"

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