Saturday, December 22, 2007

great exopectations and the couches that love us

Probably the most important series, since the last important series, starts on boxing day in Melbourne.

Australia Vs India, the battle for the world championship, well not really, unless the aussies lose 3 nil, they are still the world champs.

If the Indians can win 1 or 2 tests, they can prove Australia can be beaten to other nations, but one roll around the sack with Natalie Portman doesn’t make her your woman, no matter how happy you are about it.

It’s not going to be easy, winning tests means taking 20 wickets, which isn’t India’s strong point. Getting Australia out once is fu©ken hard enough.

In India there seems to be a huge level of excitement, and the Indian fans seem almost cocky. I have seen this before, on the walk to the bullring for the 2003 world cup final.

Almost every Indian fan told me they were going to kill us, while myself and the aussie fans were not so sure what the result was going to be.

Not to say there aren’t cocky Australian fans and Coy Indian fans.

When we were in South Africa, Big Daddy & I went out of our way not to sit with Australian fans, much happier in the company of South Africans and Indians. But that’s another blog.

My point is (if I have one), it takes a lot of balls to think you can knock off the best team in the world in a final, especially when the same team defeated you brutally earlier in that tournament.

Had Australia been the underdogs, their fans wouldn’t have walked around telling the Indians they were going to win, they would have been in the pub numbing the impending pain.

Every time Australia played the West Indies when they were still the West Indies, every Aussie I knew just hoped they wouldn’t get slaughtered, and maybe steal a test. If something better happened, it was hookers and cocaine time.

Indian fans keep reminding me they should have beaten Australia last time they toured, well that was 4 years ago. Steve Irwin was p1ssing off snakes and being ignored by the Australian public, bollywood was largely ignored and the second Bush hadn’t even invaded Iraq.

No Indian fan has reminded me that India lost to Australia at home in 2004. The Aussies were two nil up after 3 test, before losing the dead rubber on a pitch so bad Michael Clarke took 6 for 9. And that was a team that took Michael Kasprowicz with it.

On another topic, does anyone know how they came about using the term dead rubber. Is it a weird condom joke?

Indian fans keep saying to me, are you ready, we are coming?

To where, my couch. The same couch that will love me no matter what the result. Actually don’t worry about that, my couch is in storage, but I promise that come the fourth test, I will be on a couch.

That, you Indian’s can be assured "the hooking & pulling specialists"

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