Saturday, May 7, 2011

Off-Topic Forum : Seve Ballesteros RIP

Author: ClobberSubject: Seve Ballesteros RIPPosted: 07 May 2011 at 2:26pmSad news today with the passing of the golf legend. People tend to be over-eulogised after they die, but in this case I don't think you can possibly overestimate his impact on European golf as a whole, which was right in the doldrums in the 70's, then up pops this flamboyant young Spaniard to come second in the 1976 Open as a teenager, then winning it for the first of 3 times in 1979 - famously seeming to play most of the back 9 of his final round from various car parks!Throw in 2 US Masters titles, and only Nick Faldo stands ahead of him as the European with most major titles. Then there was the Ryder Cup which again he played a huge part in revitalising. His passion for the contest igniting the European team and changing what had for 30-odd years been a tedious one sided affair into a real contest which Europe has had an overall upper hand in since.RIP Seve.

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