Monday, May 16, 2011

Off-Topic Forum : Hobbies & Interests

Author: Andrew_Wood_CWSubject: Hobbies & InterestsPosted: 16 May 2011 at 11:52amObviously you all share an interest in cricket, but well else do you enjoy doing as in your spare time?  I thought if we could get what people enjoy it would be easier to make topics that may interest you, also shared hobbies are something that can be discussed, or even something you're intrigued by - so post away I guess i'll start us off, and feel free to make comments or ask questions!RPG/Board games - I play with a few friends at a comic book store, just bringing our own games, trying new things out, and also play with family.  Examples would be Heroclix, Dungeons and Dragons amongst others..Comic books - Probably my main interest, i get a handful a month, which is when they're normally released.  I've followed X-Men for quite some time, and Spider-man as well.  Recently picking up X-Force as well which is a variant team.Sports - I think you know i'm a Liverpool fan, big on football, and really enjoy playing it as well.  Normally play most nights in the summer!Obviously i love films and TV series as well - not sure i'd include it here, but feel free too!As an idea, after your hobbies/interest just include your top three movies and TV shows, just something else to discuss!MovieStar WarsThe Big LebowskiStand By MeTVThe GuildThe Big Bang TheorySpacedAnd now you, off-topic!

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