Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Groundcare : Outfield care

Author: theroddersSubject: Outfield carePosted: 05 July 2011 at 4:32pmI play club cricket on a ground which shares its outfield with a football club. It used to be the case that the football pitch would only encroach one side of the outfield but as the years went by it is now the case that all sides of the outfield have football played on it during the off season. With so much sport being played and the field not getting any rest it's needless to say it's in a pretty sorry state, there are areas where there isn't much grass growth and other areas where there are lots of weeds growing, the worst part is the huge cracks in the ground (some large enough to fit a cricket ball!) and the soil being incredibly bumpy.Does anybody have any advice on what can be done during the short window in April (approximately 4 weeks) to improve the state of the outfield? I have been told by a livery owner to chain harrow and then roll the outfield, will this be beneficially to my cause? (please note we only own a heavy roller) Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.Thanks

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