Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Gabba pitch set to be a 'minefield'

With the first Ashes Test looming Kevin Mitchell, the groundsman at Brisbane's Gabba cricket ground, has warned it could contain a few surprises for both sets of batsmen.
The same track was in use for a domestic Sheffield Shield match between New South Wales and Queensland in which the home side Queensland lost 18 wickets in just two sessions, mainly due to a lush green surface on top of the pitch as well as humid dry weather providing ideal bowling conditions.

If similar weather occurs in the next few weeks the moisture will stay in the surface, keeping its green tinge, meaning it will get unpredictable bounce as well as movement and swing - a worrying combination for batsmen and one that could have an impact on the Ashes betting.

Sunny weather however, will help it dry out and produce a hard, bouncy pitch the Gabba is famous for.

It is hard to say who would benefit more from a greener surface, both sides have talented fast bowlers who would relish bowling on such a friendly surface.
The main winners could be the spectators, who would be treated to plenty of action as it would clearly be a wicket- favouring surface. Anyone looking to bet on top England batsman should bear this in mind.

Australia have Dougie Bollinger and Mitchell Johnson, while England have Stuart Broad and Steven Finn all of whom will relish the prospect of such a pitch.
If a green tinged wicket emerges on November 25th, expect that quartet to be among the wickets from the off.

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